This was from a couple months ago. I had done a small deposit and spun it up to £1.5k and then tilted back down to what you see in the pic and then proceeded to lose the lot the next session. I decided to have a long break after that!
Only got myself to blame Pete.Well I say that but the casino was dragging their feet with my KYC checks for over a week and I was having a bad time and my head was not in right place so I went crazy lol
Very. I was playing a game called something like Lucky Star was like a Chinese version of roulette. I used to absolutely love it lol
i remember I couldn’t lose one day on Ladbrokes. Gained a grand. Lost it abd the rest in half an hour
Only got myself to blame Pete. Well I say that but the casino was dragging their feet with my KYC checks for over a week and I was having a bad time and my head was not in right place so I went crazy lol
sorry to hear that Paul, good idea having a break !